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april 2024 job fair flyer.png

April 12, 2024

See Info below

In-person event
Job Fair

Student job fair where all participating students get the opportunity to interview, share their point of view, and give suggestions to companies.

This event is OPEN!


April 12th, 10:00 AM - 3:00PM PST 2023

Hosted at:

12901 S Euclid St,

Garden Grove, Ca 92840



Deposit: $5 per ticket / person


Student sharks get a chance to interview companies.

Check out our last Job Fair:


There will be hundreds of job opportunities at this job fair!


Companies are especially looking for the following majors from College Freshman to Senior to Experienced:

Architecture, Archeology, Chemistry, Cloud Support, Computer Science, Drone Technology,

Engineering (all disciplines), Hands On testing, Information Security, Information Technology, Math, Model Builder, Modeling, RF Technology, Telecommunications, and Statistic Analyst.


To register for the event: Students must submit their resume.


Q: What is it?

A: A job fair where students can ask the questions and give their input to participating companies.


Q: Why is this different from a traditional job fair?

A: This event provides not only the opportunity to meet and interview with companies, but also the opportunity to hear many company responses to other student questions during the "shark session". This will certainly help you prepare for your interview.


You will get more time with recruiters than traditional job fairs!


See what our last job fair looks like:

 -BTS Job Fair Video Highlights


Q: When?

A: April 12, 2024 from 9:30 – 3:00 pm


Q: Where?

A: The event will occur n person at the Coastline College Garden Grove Campus

    12901 S Euclid St, Garden Grove, CA 92840

    Parking is free


Q: Who are the participating companies


  • AECOM, a fortune 200 company construction engineering 

  • Crowdstrike, a cybersecurity technology company

  • Envoy, a Marketing company

  • Union Pacific Railroad, a transportation company


Q: What levels are companies hiring for?

A: Companies are hiring College students from Freshman to Seniors and Graduates.


Q: Are companies hiring specific majors?

A: Companies are hiring for all positions, but the following majors are specifically sought after: Architecture,

Archeology, Chemistry, Cloud Support, Computer Science, Drone Technology, Engineering (all disciplines),

Hands On testing, Information Security, Information Technology, Math, Model Builder, Modeling, RF Technology, Telecommunications, and Statistic Analyst.


Q: How many students are companies looking for?

A: There are over 100 open positions that companies are looking to fill.


Q: How do I apply?



Q: Why do I have to deposit $5 to participate?

A: We want you to patriciate in person or virtually; your $5 deposit will be returned when you sign in at the event.


Q: Can I register if my resume is not ready?

A: Yes – we encourage that you register as soon as possible with your current (unfinished) resume and attend the preparation workshops. Final resume can be (re)submitted up to April 10th at 8 a.m. PDT.


Q: Will recruiters be present at the event?

A: Yes – all recruiters will attend in person.


Q: Will virtual attendees be able to have one-on-one conversations with the company guests?

A: Virtual service is not available for this event


Q: What is the event agenda?

A: Agenda: (all in PDT)

9:30 - 10:00 am: Registration and breakfast

10:00 – 11:00 am : Company presentations

11:00 – 12:00 : “Be the Shark” event when all students get to ask questions

12:00 – 1:00: Lunch and workshop on how to present yourselves to company representatives

1:00 - 3:00 pm: Speed networking with company representatives  


Q: What is the dress code for the event?

A: Dress to impress: Non sneaker closed toe shoes, twill pants, a shirt with collar and a jacket if you have one.


Q: Are we required to have a background in tech in order to apply for positions?

A: No. We suggest that you review job openings on the website of each of the above companies for the type

of positions for which they are hiring.

Union Pacific:


Q: Will there be a panel of company representatives for a Q&A session?

A: Yes.


Q: Will there be representatives other than recruiters?

A: Yes.


Q: How many companies will be recruiting?

A: See our flier


Q: Do we have to stay for the entire event?

A: No, but the longer you stay will get you more exposure time with the companies.


Q: Where should I park?

A: Coastline College parking lot


Q: Who should I contact to I ask questions?

A: Please email with your questions.

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